COVID-19 防疫措施下旅宿業接待旅客注意事項及處理原則

因應交通部觀光局宣導之「防疫措施下旅宿業接待旅客注意事項及處理原則」, 飯店將進行「旅客風險評估」,請旅客住宿前主動告知旅遊史等相關資訊, 經評估旅客 14 天內旅遊史及個人健康狀況。 如評估後為高風險旅客,飯店有義務通報相關單位並恕無法提供住宿, 飯店將免費取消訂房或“延期、保留或退還訂金”;
如隱瞞旅遊史等相關資訊, 若造成旅客當天損失,也將不做任何賠償並拒絕接待。 不便之處,敬請見諒。
NL 概念商旅
Dear Guests,
Due to the recent coronavirus ( COVID-19 ) epidemic situation, NL Concept Hotel will cooperate with the prevention policies of Taiwan Centers for Disease Control, CDC.
In order to ensure all guests enjoy the comfort and safety of the facilities, we will temporarily suspend receiving and accommodating people who is high-risk area travelers, if which is already book, it could be cancel without extra charge, or extended check-in date.
Sorry for any inconvenience caused.
NL Concept Hotel
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